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Why does January see so many divorces?

On Behalf of | Dec 2, 2024 | Divorce

January is officially the month with the most divorce filings in the whole year. Is it something to do with the weather? Is it down to people deciding to begin the New Year with a new start? Or is it something else altogether?

The reality is it the January divorce high is down to several things:

For some people, it is about turning a new leaf

The end of the year is one of those times when a lot of people reflect on their life. If they find it wanting and believe their marriage is holding them back or key to any unhappiness they feel, they may indeed decide to use the New Year as an opportunity to make a new start. It’s as logical a cut-off point as any.

Some have been delaying the divorce

Many people who filed for divorce in January made the decision well before. Parents may decide to give their children one last Thanksgiving and Christmas as a “happy” family, before deciding to change the dynamic for good. Others might not want to deal with the opinions of the family members they will share celebratory meals with, so they wait until they are a safe distance from them. 

For some, the holidays were the final straw

Some people who file had no real intention of doing so when the holidays began. Yet, the events that unfolded over those few weeks convinced them once and for all that they did not want to spend another set of holidays with their spouse.

If you are considering divorce, it may be wise to get further information now, so you can use the time you have o during the holidays to clarify whether you wish to proceed.